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Soarcise bicycle training platform, 2021 will launch T-SoX (Training So eXercise), and U.CR+ sponsored Spanish professional team club Fernando Barceló Team measured 10,000 kilometers measured and UCI European race training victory formula, provided by eHuntSun APP Different exercise prescriptions and training modes allow users to independently train at home in the post-epidemic era to simulate Yellow Jersey yellow jersey (shortest time player), Green Jersey green jersey (sprint king), White Jersey white jersey under 25 years old (young players lead the king) ), Red Jersey red dots and white shirts (the king of climbing), etc. Enjoy the secrets of professional team training App.

T-SoX adopts the latest patented guidance technology with adjustable elevation angle, and can be used with general commercially available climbing elevation angle devices. T-SoX considers the deviation law of inertia of the dynamic riding posture, and offsets the error power error value of the law of inertia The increase is ±3% (40~60KM, resistance 30W, please provide data), (general brands are known as ±1% in the very low power 23W resistance test), Soarcise creates a more realistic experience and a precise sports training experience.



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The new Soarcise dynamic balance immersive axle chassis seat can rebound the inertia of real-world riding tires, creating a sense of road riding at home like outdoor riding. With the new SoX dynamic immersive axle seat, the training pedaling is closer to the road riding , and the more accurate T-SoX can create stable and realistic training.

With intelligent exercise management ehuntsun-tsox as its antennae and arranged exercise equipment selection, exercise intensity, exercise time, fitness equipment, intelligent exercise equipment, intelligent exercise management system, expand the industrial development in the era of great health, which is the core value created by eHuntSun And goals.

The eHuntSun APP will be compatible with commercially available Ant or Bluetooth systems to monitor and monitor the speed, heartbeat, resistance and other variables. When paired with T-SoX, there will be exercise testing and monitoring. It will provide sports prescription recommendations and training goals for players of different levels. Effectively achieve training goals.

eHuntSun APP will be able to connect with related professional sports coaches or physicians, according to the ACSM American Sports Medical Association indicators, with T-SoX machine and small discount training, provide related online remote health promotion consultation and records, and can do health management in the future AI management.


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